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Initial Capital Calculator

Calculate how much money you need to invest today to reach your future goals.

How much money do you want to have in the future?

Final capital

Final capital you desire to accumulate.

How long should it take until you reach this sum?

In years

Number of years you want your initial capital to be invested for

In months

Number of months you want your initial capital to be invested for

Annual interest

With an interest of...

The assumed annual interest rate your investment will yield
At an interest rate of...
The interest rate you receive year after year over your investment period, this will depend on the type of investment you make.
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Final Capital

Interest Earned

Required Initial Capital

If you invest xxx€ a month at xxx% over xx years, you will end up with a final capital of €xxx. These consist of €xxx in deposits and €xxx in interest or capital gains.

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Calculate initial capital: How much money do you need to invest today for your financial goal?

Have you ever asked yourself in your dreams how much money you would have to put aside if you wanted to be a millionaire in 30 years? Our initial capital calculator will tell you. Find out how much money you need to invest today to reach your individual financial goal in the future.


Initial capital calculator - Why do I need something like that?

Is there a particular dream you would like to fulfil in the future? Maybe a trip around the world in 10 years, or perhaps financial independence in 40 years? Even if these goals are still far in the future, you may already have a concrete number in mind that you need to fulfil this dream.

This means that you know how much money you want to have in the future (= your desired final capital), but not how much you have to invest today at the beginning to reach this sum. We have our initial capital calculator so that you don't have to do the maths yourself.

Because then you know how much money you have to invest at the beginning to reach your personal financial goal in the future. The great thing about this is that you can always run through the calculation with different numbers and see what suits you best.

What does initial capital mean anyway?

Initial capital is basically the money that is invested - i.e. invested in securities - at the beginning of a certain period of time. You can also call it starting capital, because you have to start with this amount of money if you want to reach your financial goal. While this initial capital is invested, you receive interest. The sum of your initial capital and the interest received is then finally the final capital.

Let's take a closer look at what you need to calculate your initial capital?

Here we go ...

The calculation is not difficult at all.


You want to have a fortune of 50,000 € (=final capital) in 10 years (=term) and know that you will get about 4.5% interest for it. How much money do you have to invest today (=starting capital)?

To be able to calculate the start-up capital you need:

Step 1: Calculate your initial capital: Have your goal in mind

In the first part of the calculation, you need to decide for yourself what financial goal you want to pursue and how much money you will need for this in the future - i.e. your desired final capital.

Especially if you want to start investing, it can only be an advantage to think about concrete financial goals. This will give you a clear picture of what you want to achieve with your investments.

Well, do you already have a dream in mind?

Maybe a few ideas will help you...

How about a trip around the world? Or your financial independence that allows you not to HAVE to work anymore, but to live off your assets. Or maybe your financial goal is a certain education that you want to do?

You will surely come up with something beautiful that is worth investing in for the long term.

Step 2: Calculate initial capital - When do you want to reach your goal?

If you know how high the sum should be, then there is the question of when you want to reach this sum.

So when do you want to have reached your financial goal and how far away is it (=runtime)?

Are you planning your world trip in 5 years? Or do you envision your financial freedom in 40 years? Depending on which goal you are pursuing and how long you have to achieve it, you enter the duration in the calculator.

If you want to calculate your initial capital in our calculator, you can either enter years or months. It all depends on your individual financial goal.

Now we come to the trickier part....

Step 3: to be able to calculate the initial capital - The annual interest rate

Now you already know what your financial goal is and when you want to reach it. But there is still one very important part missing - the annual interest rate. Unfortunately, you cannot simply choose this yourself. The interest rate depends on which security you invest in.

But to give you a benchmark, let's take a closer look at a classic world ETF. For example, the MSCI World has an average return of around 7% over the last 50 years.

When investing in a world ETF such as the MSCI World, one could expect an interest rate of over 7% . Depending on whether you are more cautious or optimistic about the future, you can use this value as a guide. Please bear in mind that these are values from the past and there is no guarantee of future returns.

Wondering what an ETF is all about? An exchange traded fund allows you to invest in the whole world with just one financial product. This way you can spread your risk as widely as possible and simply make your money work for you.

What are you waiting for? Calculate your initial capital now!

Our initial capital calculator can be a great help to you so that you invest the right amount for your financial goal at the beginning. You don't have to do complicated back-and-forth calculations yourself; our initial capital calculator does it for you. Think about when you want to fulfil your dream and the corresponding financial goal, then you can already try out the initial capital calculator.

Other calculators that can help you with this: 

Calculator: Plan your financial goals 

Calculate final capital: Invest money & then just put your feet up

Compound Interest Calculator: How to take advantage of Compound Interest Concept?

Financial Freedom Calculator: How much do I need to invest monthly in order to retire early?

Learn investing: designed for beginners

Start with 3-minute learning bits, expert knowledge and all-inclusive investing

Frequently asked questions

What is the initial capital?
What do I need to calculate the initial capital?
What is the final capital?